Tuesday, August 29, 2017

(Video) E-Comm Activity #1: Sidewalk Chalk

Sidewalk Chalk by Blake Gamber

         Symbolism is the art of using a symbol to represent a meaning or object. For example, the American flag can be used to represent freedom. The task that was given to me and my classmates was, use symbols that represent us as a whole and take those symbols to make a flag. The flag itself wasn't a real flag, but was mearly a chalk drawing on the concrete of the courtyard.
         The brainstorming for the symbols was quite rough at first, because most of us didn't say much to each other in the beginning. It's not that we didn't like each other, in fact we were all really cool with each other, it's just working with a new group in a new highschool is quite worrying for all of us. We soon started throwing out some ideas such as a camera, to represent our love of cinematography and overall liking of movies. We also had the great idea of a unicorn. Why? Because unicorns are pretty cool, not going to lie! After a long 20 minutes of awkward silence and out right brilliant ideas, we were ready for the chalk drawing. We worked hard, and did quite a nice job I might add! The colors popped and stood out, the details were there, and it just felt homemade! The assignment to me went really well and we all know each other a bit more.