Wednesday, September 27, 2017

(Video) E-Comm Activity #3: Point A to B!

The Hallway Chase

The next E-Comm video we had to film was a Point A to B chase scene. The idea we had was to make kind of an action/horror aspect to it, with it starting off in the halls late to class and then the actor running to his class and the closer it gets, the more frightened he becomes. The filter used was to give a more chilling atmosphere and a cooler feel more than a warm feel. The iPad was used to film and we used Premiere Pro to edit once again. I feel maybe next time we could focus on some more angles and or set a more simple 'plot'. The video I feel turned out great and we have better potential. I feel this was better than my first video.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

(Video) E-Comm Activity #2: How to Print a Document

Video Project #1

     The first video project of E-Comm... stressful right? I feel like I have to do my best and prove my worth. It's a fun task to have, but I feel like maybe a better topic next time or allow more artistic freedom. The creative process was a nice experience. We made our very basic storyboard and made stills into a slide show, and then filmed the short clips for our little 30 second short video. Our key decisions were not too key, we all kind of figured all the stuff we knew. My job was to be the assistant director and I helped position all the setting props and actor. Technically we used iPads to film, which I personally don't like, due to the fact I am used to using an actual camera and full on equipment. We edited with Adobe Premiere Pro, version 2017.
Maybe next time I make a video project, I'll step more into the mix and throw in more of my creative perspective. I just went along with what everyone said and went wild with editing. It's hard to sometimes make a video on a subject you don't necessarily like. I did like how we filmed this video. It was a very simplistic video setup and it felt personal. The simplicity was nice and felt homemade. What I take from this is, no matter how much you dislike a subject and just make it your own. I have already been using Premiere Pro for quite some time now, but it was a nice refresher for all the stuff to come.